Tuesday, November 30

Calligraphic shit

Got my iPhone replaced today, but this shot was still taken with my old Samsung flip phone in the morning. With better image quality, this would have made a nice calligraphic piece. Hopefully, things will be back to normal tomorrow - I mean the photo quality, of course.

Monday, November 29

Was that my intestine or what?

My regular iPhone camera continued to show signs of problems (magenta discolouration, shutter freeze) so I took a shot of this morning's dump on my old Samsung flip phone. The quality, as you can imagine, wasn't very good. And that applied to the shit as well. But you may notice that the shape is a bit like the intestines (or a happy clown face, with some vivid imagination).

Saturday, November 27

Almost hidden shit

From a big mess yesterday to a simple dump that was almost invisible if not for a protruding piece of shit, what a difference a day made!

Friday, November 26

Not so Zen-like shit

Today's delivery was a mess. But notice that the shape is somewhat like a... dick?

Thursday, November 25

Nice, Zen-like shit

When was the last time you had a dump without making a big mess? Since this was one of those rare occasions for me, I decided to upload not one, but two photos.

Wednesday, November 24

Normal delivery resumed

This morning's dump was a quick one... and no follow-up like yesterday.

Tuesday, November 23

Two dumps in quick succession

Visited the loo twice within an hour this morning. The volume for the first delivery was quite limited and I thought I was constipated.

But alas! The second delivery was almost like an avalanche.

Sunday, November 21

Another nice dump

I couldn't tell what it looked like, but it had a little floating element at the 10 o'clock position.

Saturday, November 20

Nice shit

Looks like a black swan, eh? On an occasion like this, adding toilet paper would ruin the shot.

Friday, November 19

World Toilet Day

Today is World Toilet Day and the World Toilet Organisation has teamed up with Domestos to create the Flush Tracker, a site that shows your poop's progress from the toilet to the sewer to its final destination on Google Map. So, like everything else social these days, you can soon follow your shit (although Flush Tracker currently works only in a few locations). I wonder where the pile below will end up, but I sure hope it won't tweet when it has checked in.

Thursday, November 18

A bit of toilet paper works wonders

Especially when the stools aren't very visible, like this morning's delivery.

Here's the shot without toilet paper:

And here's another with a strategically placed paper:

Wednesday, November 17

Additional element

I thought "decorating" the dump with toilet paper is a natural thing, as long as the paper doesn't obstruct the main subject matter. So I lined today's contributions with some 3-ply recycled stuff. The result was pretty good, although I must admit that one wrong toss will probably ruin the shot.

Tuesday, November 16

Back to harder stuff again

Perhaps I should create a stock market-like chart to track the firmness of the shit and you can use technical analysis to predict the condition of the next delivery.

Monday, November 15

Hard, then soft...

Had two dumps in quick succession in the morning. Delivered in varying degree of firmness.

The first dump was hard; here's the photo:

But the second dump turned soft. Compare:

Was it because of anything I ate in between? Breakfast of coffee and bread?

Saturday, November 13

Back to the softer stuff

Hopes of a more concrete dump were dashed this morning by mushy stools with ragged edges. Incidentally, the photo was taken using the Korean camera app as it seemed to be working fine again.

Friday, November 12

Finally... harder stuff

The Korean camera app seemed to conflict with the built-in camera app, so today's shot was taken with the latter. Is this an early sign to raise the threat level to "constipation" tomorrow?

Thursday, November 11

Two dumps in an hour

For today's shot, I tried using a Korean camera app and the result was pretty decent (the file size is also much smaller). Here's the image:

For the second dose, I reverted to the normal app. Here's the image for comparison:

Btw, the second one stinks like... okay, I'm not going to state the obvious.

Wednesday, November 10

Still soft and fluffy

But this one was easier to classify - Type 5, no question about it.

Tuesday, November 9

Hard to classify

This morning's dump seemed to be a cross between Type 4 and Type 5. It's snake-like, soft, but with fluffy edges. So I'm not really sure how to classify it based on the Bristol Stool Chart.

Monday, November 8

Contingency measures

This morning's dump was done a hurry so I didn't have my usual camera with me. Instead, I took these with my old Nokia Communicator (was reading an e-book with it). But the quality (of the photo, not the shit) was worse than I thought.

Sunday, November 7

KFC caused this?

Apparently I was wrong about the weekend theory in yesterday's post. Never knew chicken little can be lethal chicken...

Saturday, November 6

Very little output today

Could it have anything to do with the fact that it's the weekend today?

Friday, November 5

Back to normal

This morning's dump feels good again. It was, however, hard to focus the camera when the shit is not near the water surface. And you can't use flash or go too near for a macro shot (at least you won't want to anyway). I'll have to dig up some photography tricks for this. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, November 3

First shot

Had a bit of stomach ache today. This was the third dump.