Showing posts with label diarrhea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diarrhea. Show all posts

Saturday, June 18

Combo delivery

This morning's dump started off normally, but thereafter things went downhill. If you look closely, the normal piece was covered by a liquified patch on top.

Sunday, June 5


But not in the way I would have liked it, especially with a few subsequently dumps that were greater in volume and softer in consistency.

Sunday, May 22

Today is D(iarrhea)-Day

I lost count of the number of visits to the loo throughout the day, but this was the first dump that started it all.

Friday, April 1

Another two dumps in quick succession

No joke. In both instances, they were not pretty, with the second delivery closing in on a full-fledged diarrhea.

Monday, March 7

Early delivery or delayed reaction?

This morning's delivery arrived early, almost two hours before the break of dawn. And the volume was quite substantial. Was this a holdover from the weakend?

I dunno. But the situation deteriorated as the day went along. This second dump was delivered before lunch.

And the third one was even worse. There's another right after that, which was almost as bad, but I didn't capture it on camera. Well, if you had been shitting like I did, you'll probably lose the appetite to take photos after a while.

Friday, February 25

But it didn't last

This morning's dump was a disaster, although you might not be able to tell from the photo.

Thursday, February 3

Four dumps in a day!

The first dump in the Year of the Rabbit was an odd-hour delivery around 4am and it looked like an exclamation mark.

Had another one an hour later and the situation was pretty much the same.

Things got progressively worse that before lunch, the third dump was almost unrecognisable.

Was it because of too much of a good thing for reunion dinner? Perhaps. Let's hope the last dump, delivered in the evening, would be the last of its kind for the next couple of days.

Thursday, January 6

Is that all? (Part 3)

Better late than never. But was this dump a bit too much for a night time delivery?

Wednesday, December 29

Killing me softly with my shit

From a big heap yesterday to a soft glob of shit this morning, things certainly weren't looking up.

Saturday, December 18

Diarrhea continues

I thought everything was back to normal last night, but this morning's deliveries proved that some residue remained.

This was the first of the two dumps (you can at least see some fluffy pieces):

But the second dump was less solid:

Friday, December 17

From soft to watery

Had three consecutive dumps in the morning where the stools went from soft to watery. Only managed to capture shots for the first and third delivery as the second came in a hurry so I didn't along a camera.

The first dump (already signs of diarrhea):

The real thing:

Wednesday, November 3

First shot

Had a bit of stomach ache today. This was the third dump.