Showing posts with label loose stools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loose stools. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19

Still a bit on the loose

Probably the remaining residue from yesterday. Hopefully this will clear it all.

Sunday, June 5


But not in the way I would have liked it, especially with a few subsequently dumps that were greater in volume and softer in consistency.

Sunday, May 22

Today is D(iarrhea)-Day

I lost count of the number of visits to the loo throughout the day, but this was the first dump that started it all.

Sunday, May 15

Two dumps today

A rare event on a Sunday, just like the two ministers who were dumped from the current cabinet.

The first one resembled a hammer, just like someone who likes to meet people in a cul-de-sac.

The second comprised some floating pieces of shit, just like someone who didn't stick around for long because he was a seat-warmer.

Friday, May 6

See, I told you so

This morning's dump didn't look spectacularly nasty. That's because you didn't get to smell it.

Thursday, May 5

Not so awesome today

This morning's dump was a complete contrast to yesterday's. Not much was solid or visible and the smell seemed to indicate that something nasty was on its way, even though the day went by without further interruptions.

Monday, April 25

Another two dumps todays

Even when the output of individual dump was quite substantial, the number of deliveries remained the same as previous days.

Friday, April 1

Another two dumps in quick succession

No joke. In both instances, they were not pretty, with the second delivery closing in on a full-fledged diarrhea.

Monday, March 7

Early delivery or delayed reaction?

This morning's delivery arrived early, almost two hours before the break of dawn. And the volume was quite substantial. Was this a holdover from the weakend?

I dunno. But the situation deteriorated as the day went along. This second dump was delivered before lunch.

And the third one was even worse. There's another right after that, which was almost as bad, but I didn't capture it on camera. Well, if you had been shitting like I did, you'll probably lose the appetite to take photos after a while.

Wednesday, March 2

Sudden turnaround

Just when I thought it was going to be another solid dump, perhaps even something along the lines of a snaky sabre, the softness returned this morning without warning.

Wednesday, February 16

Another quick turnaround

Talk about constipation and forced deliveries! The hard truth? When it's time to let go, nothing's gonna stop shit now.

Thursday, February 3

Four dumps in a day!

The first dump in the Year of the Rabbit was an odd-hour delivery around 4am and it looked like an exclamation mark.

Had another one an hour later and the situation was pretty much the same.

Things got progressively worse that before lunch, the third dump was almost unrecognisable.

Was it because of too much of a good thing for reunion dinner? Perhaps. Let's hope the last dump, delivered in the evening, would be the last of its kind for the next couple of days.

Wednesday, February 2

The softness continues

This morning's dump was one huge and black pile, and stinked like... well, shit. Nice way to wrap up the year of the Tiger. As it is, the real-life Tiger was in fact in deep shit for much of the year.

Tuesday, February 1

From one extreme to another

Just yesterday, I was worried about the onset of constipation. But this morning's dump was closer to a loose bowel movement than anything else. The hard truth? Shitting can be as unpredictable as the stock market.

Wednesday, December 22

More to come?

Was last night's unscheduled ritual a sign of more loose stools to come? This morning's dump seemed to suggest so. Fortunately, there was no follow-up throughout the day.

Tuesday, December 21

Spoke too soon

Just came back from an urgent dump at night and the condition wasn't very encouraging.

Saturday, December 18

Diarrhea continues

I thought everything was back to normal last night, but this morning's deliveries proved that some residue remained.

This was the first of the two dumps (you can at least see some fluffy pieces):

But the second dump was less solid:

Friday, December 17

From soft to watery

Had three consecutive dumps in the morning where the stools went from soft to watery. Only managed to capture shots for the first and third delivery as the second came in a hurry so I didn't along a camera.

The first dump (already signs of diarrhea):

The real thing:

Monday, December 6

Pre-dawn delivery

Woke up around 4am this morning for this unscheduled dump. Must have been something I ate last night. The salted egg? Chicken wings?

You may ask, "Can this activity be scheduled?" Well, I don't know about you. Mine's usually just after breakfast.

Saturday, December 4

Curly wurly on the move

Normally, when you have your dump, you would expect the shit to stay put [put]. But this morning's stools did a bit of a migration while I was bracketing the shots.

And if I tell you this is how it ended up, you'll probably say, "You're kidding!"

Right. This was actually the second delivery, roughly 15 minutes after the first.