Showing posts with label floating stools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label floating stools. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21

Contrasting deliveries

The first one was a nice solid piece with a floating satellite in accompaniment.

But the second one, about an hour and a half later, was almost disastrous.

Tuesday, May 17

Shitting satellites

One heavy dose plus two floating pieces for this morning's dump.

Sunday, May 15

Two dumps today

A rare event on a Sunday, just like the two ministers who were dumped from the current cabinet.

The first one resembled a hammer, just like someone who likes to meet people in a cul-de-sac.

The second comprised some floating pieces of shit, just like someone who didn't stick around for long because he was a seat-warmer.

Friday, May 6

See, I told you so

This morning's dump didn't look spectacularly nasty. That's because you didn't get to smell it.

Thursday, May 5

Not so awesome today

This morning's dump was a complete contrast to yesterday's. Not much was solid or visible and the smell seemed to indicate that something nasty was on its way, even though the day went by without further interruptions.

Sunday, April 24

Yet another two dumps today

They say good things come in pairs, but would it be too much of a good thing if the pairs have been arriving on consective days?

Friday, April 22

Two dumps today

One's like stringy pasta while the other was back to the calligraphic stroke.

Monday, April 11

Same shit again

This morning's dump was fluffy and soft again, with a tiny satellite stool at the two o'clock position.

Saturday, April 9

Another floating satellite

Just like yesterday, this morning's dump featured a floating piece, although the condition of the shit was softer in comparison.

Friday, April 8

Even nicer today

Had to rush off for an early conference yesterday so didn't have the luxury of time to take a dump. But this morning's delivery made up for the break, with a nicely formed pair and a floating satellite.

Sunday, March 13

Two in a "roll"

Quite literally, continuing the home run since yesterday, although the subsequent dump in the afternoon started to show signs of mushiness.

Thursday, February 3

Four dumps in a day!

The first dump in the Year of the Rabbit was an odd-hour delivery around 4am and it looked like an exclamation mark.

Had another one an hour later and the situation was pretty much the same.

Things got progressively worse that before lunch, the third dump was almost unrecognisable.

Was it because of too much of a good thing for reunion dinner? Perhaps. Let's hope the last dump, delivered in the evening, would be the last of its kind for the next couple of days.

Thursday, January 6

Is that all?

Considering how much I ate yesterday, the output this morning was rather disappointing. Could I have digested the bulk of the input?

Thursday, December 30

Suddenly... shit has new meaning to me

Did I say things weren't looking up yesterday with all that loose stools? Well, it took a turn today and the flow stopped suddenly.

"There's beauty down below and things we never take notice of
You wake up suddenly the shit is gone"

Wednesday, December 8

And so I zoomed in...

Did it make any difference? Should I stick to the routine shot? For a clean dump like this, zooming in seems to work pretty well. But if it's a mess, I wonder if a close-up shot will be nauseating.

Sunday, December 5

Speaking of migration...

This morning's dump underwent a bit of migration again. The top piece was floating for a while before it settled to the bottom to form the prongs of a pitch fork or the euro symbol (rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise), depending on how you look at it.

Saturday, December 4

Curly wurly on the move

Normally, when you have your dump, you would expect the shit to stay put [put]. But this morning's stools did a bit of a migration while I was bracketing the shots.

And if I tell you this is how it ended up, you'll probably say, "You're kidding!"

Right. This was actually the second delivery, roughly 15 minutes after the first.

Friday, December 3

What a difference 30 minutes make

I had two dumps in quick succession (again) this morning. The degree of firmness of the stools couldn't have been more contrasting.

This is the first delivery:

And this is the second:

Wednesday, November 10

Still soft and fluffy

But this one was easier to classify - Type 5, no question about it.

Monday, November 8

Contingency measures

This morning's dump was done a hurry so I didn't have my usual camera with me. Instead, I took these with my old Nokia Communicator (was reading an e-book with it). But the quality (of the photo, not the shit) was worse than I thought.