Showing posts with label hard stools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hard stools. Show all posts

Saturday, June 4

Limited output today

The stroke of shit didn't continue today. This morning's dump was quite limited and rather hard.

Thursday, May 26

Used-up quota?

Ever since the diarrhea on Sunday, things have slowed to a drip. This was yesterday's delivery, which didn't amount to much. Today was worse, with a few isolated drops that weren't worth the effort to shoot. Has the quota for the week been used up?

Friday, May 13

Shit, it's Friday the 13th

But nothing went wrong with this morning's dump, except that it looked like a combination of hard and soft stools. Not so for Blogger, which was down for maintenance.

Tuesday, April 26

Stopped at one

After an extended run of two deliveries in a day, today's dump was finally limited to one session. And a single piece, to be exact.

Wednesday, April 20

Shit you, toilet bowl in white!

First outdoor dump in a long while, and nothing much to contribute - just like the men in white.

Wednesday, April 13

Shit between the lines

Actually, between the toilet papers is more appropriate. Any smaller (the shit, that is) and you probably would not be able to see it. The toilet papers were pre-existing residues.

Sunday, February 20

Still delivering

The stools were a bit harder this morning, but still no sign of things grinding to a halt.

Tuesday, February 15

You can't hurry shit

Another tough one this morning. Not much output in spite of (or maybe because of) the forced delivery.

Monday, February 14

Forced delivery

This constipation thing seemed to be getting out of hand until I took matters into my own tummy this morning to force a hard landing. Even so, the result wasn't spectacular.

Sunday, February 6

Some respite... indeed!

The flow stopped completely yesterday, and this morning's dump was barely a drop in the ocean.

Monday, January 31

Closing in on constipation?

Following yesterday's limited output, this morning's dump led me to think that constipation is close at hand. But the subsequent delivery an hour later proved otherwise.

Sunday, January 30

Limited output

For once, I was able to deliver on a Sunday without rush, but the volume of output was a bit disappointing.

Friday, January 28

Monday, January 24

It's been a while...

... since I last had two dumps in a day within the span of an hour. Must have been the accumulated shit arriving late. No wonder, the first dump was pretty hard stuff:

But the subsequent delivery was much softer:

Sunday, January 23

Accumulated shit

Another Saturday went by without a dump. That's the third consecutive non-delivery Saturday. Still, the accumulated shit this morning didn't amount to much.

Thursday, January 20

Not as bad as I thought

No diarrhea today. On the contrary, the stools were noticeably harder. So much for past performances as an indication of future results.

Sunday, January 16

Barely visible

First dump on a Sunday in a long while but there wasn't much to show. Instead, passed gas frequently throughout the day. Silently, of course.

Wednesday, January 12

Not much left

After the long passage yesterday, this lunch-time dump was what I would consider a short rite.

Monday, January 10


You may wonder about the lack of dumps every Sunday. No, it's not a question of faith. (Like Confucius says, "If shit has to happen, let it happen PROPERLY.") Usually, I make it out early on Sundays, so sometimes there isn't ample time to do it properly.

This past weekend, it was due to flu and fever which, had it dragged until tomorrow, would have been the longest spell of non-delivery. As it is, the dump came late in the evening. The little piece of toilet paper was for the running nose.

Saturday, January 8

That's all

I waited until night time for confirmation that this was the only dump of the day.